Next Snowman, and his maker.
Nice looking fellow, heh? (I mean the snowman)
But you know what, it reminds me of the idols of the old testiment biblical times when people made images like this out of stone and gold.
God has told us though,
that these works of our hands can neither see, nor hear us.
They can not talk.
You would wonder who would be foolish enough to believe something made out of stone would believe that anyways.
Well the fact is, everyone of us struggles with making idols, and worshiping them!
Yes, only they are of a different kind than stone or gold.
We make money our idol, and say that is the most important thing in life.
We make our wife, or husband the idol of our life.
Love of fun. Work, play, feeling good.
God has said, that we are to worship Him(God, our maker) and Him alone! When we value things so highly in our life, we put them above God, or take away from what is due Him!
This snowman may have a nice smile, and be so cute, but give your affection and praise to ONE who is worthy, God of the universe!

Oh, and yes, the maker's hands are as cold, if not colder than the snowman's!